business plan tamplate : the consumer market size
Consumer market consists of individuals who purchase specific goods or services.
A hardly interest the general population. This command is effective even staples such as sugar, flour and salt in a small percentage of households do not consume these products, so even if it does not define the meaning of the whole population, not everyone is a potential consumer.
In fact, statistically the same cultural products. But because the fragmentary nature of much of the culture, some differences in the sequence. For example, viewing the industry as it can be said that almost 100% of the population that uses a type of product or any other culture in the broadest sense of culture ranging from the performing arts. (And popular), inheritance, CDs, movies, books, magazines, radio and television, with each of these disciplines are more or less allocate. Significant share of global demand.
In Canada, for example, show that 37.0% of Statistics1 families to participate in the performing arts, at least once a year: 62.2% movies, museums and galleries, 32.9% in the United States, data on consumption of culture: classical music. 15.6%, 4.7%, opera, theater, 24.5%, 15.8% play, ballet, 5.8%, the Museum of Art, and the historic 34.5% 46.9% 0.2 Australia3 numbers are: theater, music, 19.3%, classical music. 7.7%, 21.9%, festivals, concerts, museums, 23% and 27.8% of students in each of these sectors, consumer groups, the column of interest. This leads to a strong market segmentation. Consumers can identify the product as an alternative to different cultures, or using this type of product you want.
Distribution of consumers according to different market segments over time and space. Market and reflects the influence of opinion leaders, trends, tastes and characteristics of the company. Markets differ from country to country according to different social structures.
The last 40 years, the investigations focus on the details. sociodemographic. Consumers of cultural products have been implemented in most European countries. (Both East and West), as well as Canada, the United States, Australia and Japan.4 And 'interesting to note that, regardless of whether the survey was conducted in 1970, 1980, 1990 or all. were added at the same speed and profile. socio-demographic differences of the instruments used can sometimes make it difficult to compare between countries. (Check the name that is different for different formulations of questions, etc.) However, these studies revealed continuous and strong polarization of views between high art and popular culture throughout the country. Over the past four decades. They show, for example, that the cultural products that appeal to consumers to provide quality education of art, while catering to popular culture to draw on all sectors of the population, the relative weight of each. The percentage of graduates constitute the audience of Canadians, for example, between 50% and 70% for high art. (Symphony orchestras, arts festivals, museums, art, etc.), compared with 10% to 25% for culture (pop-ups, gardening, history, etc.) for purposes of comparison, the overall percentage of the Graduate University in Canada. 25%, similar results have been found in other countries, especially in France5 but also in Russia, where the graduates represent 50% of the audience for the arts, but only 7% of the general population.
Other socio-demographic variables were related to the frequency and average incomes. (Superior art among consumers that the consumers of popular culture), and type of employment. (White Collar represent a large proportion of consumers of high art, while the blue-collar to be drawn. The culture is popular in many others), it should be noted once again that this information is based on the average. Individuals who are less educated and low-income consumers can be a great cultural event for students and professionals working in the cultural environment. In fact, it is well known that in general, many people active in the arts and higher education shall be so evil that are fighting to keep above the poverty line, on the other hand, there are people who have salaries are very high and very high levels of education are not interested in art and happy to keep my distance. Four factors are known to influence the preference of an individual to a cultural complex: the family that promote or discourage high art, the educational environment and a place for high art, the reality of the participants, or visit the museum as a child, and amateurs. Performance art
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